Mia hated packing her school bag every morning. It was always too heavy, and she wished she never had to carry it again.
One day, while walking to school, she saw an old shop she had never noticed before. The sign read: “Mr. Whimsy’s Wonders.” Curious, she stepped inside.

Behind the counter, a friendly old man smiled. “Looking for something special?”
Mia shrugged. “I just wish my school bag could pack itself.”
The man handed her a shiny red backpack. “This bag is special—just say what you need, and it will do the rest!”
Excited, Mia took the bag home. The next morning, she said, “Pack my books!” Instantly, her books floated inside and zipped up by themselves!
At school, she tried another wish. “Give me the answers to my math test!” The bag glowed, and the answers appeared in her notebook.
“This is amazing!” Mia whispered.
But soon, she got carried away. She wished for extra lunch, a playground full of candy, and even a day off from school!
Suddenly, the bag shook and glowed too brightly. POOF! It exploded in a puff of glitter, and everything went back to normal. The candy disappeared, her test paper was blank again, and Mia had to carry her books herself.

She sighed. “I guess there’s no shortcut to learning!”
That evening, she returned to Mr. Whimsy’s shop—but it was gone! In its place was a small note:
“Magic is fun, but knowledge lasts forever!”
Mia smiled and carried her school bag proudly, knowing that real learning was the greatest magic of all.
The End.