Hen Got His Reward

Once upon a time, in a quiet little farm, there lived a kind and hardworking hen named Hen. Unlike the other animals who often complained about their work, Hen always did her tasks with joy and honesty.

One morning, while pecking the ground for food, Hen found a shiny golden grain. She knew it was not hers, so she decided to take it to the wise old owl, who was the judge of the farm.

On her way, a greedy crow saw the golden grain and said, “Why give it away? Keep it for yourself!” But Hen shook her head. “Honesty is the best policy,” she replied and continued on her way.

When Hen reached the wise old owl, she explained how she found the grain. Just then, a worried farmer arrived. “I lost a very special grain that I was saving for planting!” he cried.

The owl asked him to describe it, and his words matched exactly. Hen happily returned the golden grain to its owner. The farmer was overjoyed. “You are an honest and good-hearted hen!” he said. “As a reward, I will build you a special cozy nest and give you the best food every day!”

From that day on, Hen lived a happy and comfortable life, proving that honesty always brings rewards.

Moral of the Story:

Honesty and kindness always lead to good things.

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